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Rust Generics at An Assembly Level

Date: April 25th, 2021

Rust like many programming languages today makes use of a programming construct called generics. Generics, more formally known as parametric polymorphism, is defined as a way to make a language more expressive, while still maintaining full static type-safety.

When making use of parametric polymorphism, a function or a data type can be defined in an abstract way so as to be used freely across other types that accept the abstracted type. In Rust, generics allow a user to define a "stand-in" parameter to a set of types (functions, enums, structs, struct implementations)

The abstract nature of generics lends itself to confusion as one has to mix the notion of an abstract type T with a concrete type such as a function, or struct. This diverse dance between different abstractions can lead to increased cognitive load when trying to ascertain how a program might use the generic type.

In this article we explore the following:

  1. How generic Rust code is compiled down to assembly code
  2. The potential performance impact of generic code

Note: This article is not an introduction to generics

Understanding Generic Abstraction

One guiding principle to remember about generics is that at a low level, a CPU can never execute something abstract (i.e something not clearly defined), and at some point, a generic definition must be converted into a concrete type ('clearly defined') so that it can be executed.

Clearly defining a type is one of the many thing Rust does well by ensuring strict enforcement of types at compile time. Meaning that at a certain point, the Rust compiler will either convert the generic type into a concrete one based on code you have supplied, or the compiler will ask you to be more specific.

Generics and Assembly

///CS1: A simple non-generic Rust function
fn main() {
fn non_generic_fn(b: i64) -> i64 {
let _ans = non_generic_fn(1234_i64);

In the snippet above, we create a function non_generic_fn that takes in an argument b of type i64 and returns the same variable b as an i64. This function acts as a simple "pass-through" function. We collect the result and store it in a variable _ans. We add the #[no_mangle] outer attribute to the function to ensure our function names remain intact and are not modified or decorated by the compiler. This is mostly for convenience when analyzing the resulting assembly.

x86_64 Assembly: Regular Code

The snippet shown in CS1 isn't much but it will serve as a starting point as we investigate later what happens when we introduce generics.

Let's first generate the assembly.

# CS2: We build the binary and run an objdump which takes the binary we built, demangles it to obtain the x86_64 assembly code
# and finally passes the assembly into a new file called `non_generics.o`.
# We also specify we want to use the AT&T x64_86 assembly syntax.
$cargo build;
$objdump --x86-asm-syntax=att --demangle -d ../target/debug/<your-crate-name> > ./src/non_generics.o

Let's open up the src/non_generics.o object file and inspect it. The file can be quite long as there are additional instructions the compiler adds to the file to ensure the binary gets loaded correctly. Depending on your operating system you may see a varying amount of instructions.

We should look for two procedures,

  1. The Rust entry point (main function)
  2. The non_generic_fn

The main function should have a pattern <your-crate-name>:main::<some-random-string>. In my case it is called generics::main::<some_random_chars>.

The non_generic_fn should simply be called non_generic_fn. Note the names are identical because the Rust compiler did not mangle the name.

Let's start in main. I have annotated the assembly output for CS3 (main function) and CS4 (non_generic_fn) to provide greater clarity. Keep in mind the memory addresses shown in the right could be any value and don't need to match up with mine.

; CS3: the entry to Rust's main method, your memory address may be different.
00000001000037f0 generics::main::h7ecffc4403148146:
1000037f0: 55 pushq %rbp
1000037f1: 48 89 e5 movq %rsp, %rbp
; We initialize the stack by setting the stack pointer %rsp, to the stack base pointer %rbp.
; This initializes a stack of 0 bytes as the top of the stack (%rsp) and base of the stack (%rbp)
; point to the exact same memory address
1000037f4: 48 83 ec 10 subq $16, %rsp
; We allocate 16 bytes decrementing the top of the stack by 16 bytes. (The stack grows to lower memory addresses)
1000037f8: bf d2 04 00 00 movl $1234, %edi
; we store the immediate (constant) 1234 into the 32 bit portion of the 64 bit %rdi register called %edi register.
; If we chose a larger constant with a value larger than i32::max, the compiler would instead use the entire %rdi (64-bit)
; register instead of %edi (32-bit) register. (You can try this for yourself).
1000037fd: e8 0e 00 00 00 callq 14 '_non_generic_fn'
; We then call out to the 'non_generic_fn'. The constant 1234 that we stored in the %edi register will be used
; as the input parameter to the '_non_generic_fn' procedure.
; This convention of passing in function parameters using registers is detailed in the
; x86_64 ABI (See Additional Resources section of this article)
; We call our `non_generic_fn` let's jump to the 'non_generic_fn' procedure in code snippet 4 (CS4) below;
; before continuing with the next few lines.
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; GO TO CS4 before continuing ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
100003802: 48 89 45 f8 movq %rax, -8(%rbp)
; Hopefully you've read through the `non_generic_fn` procedure below before continuing here.
; We take the value stored in %rax (the output from our `non_generic_fn`) and we allocate 8 bytes in the stack
; so we can store it. This is where our Rust variable `_ans` lives. So `_ans` now has the value returned from 'non_generic_fn'
100003806: 48 83 c4 10 addq $16, %rsp
; Now that we are done, we close the stack by eliminating the initial offset of the top of the stack to the bottom of the stack.
; we do this by incrementing the top of the stack by 16 bytes, which takes us back to the base of the stack.
; This de-allocates the initialized memory.
10000380a: 5d popq %rbp
10000380b: c3 retq
10000380c: 0f 1f 40 00 nopl (%rax)
; We pop the stack, and return from main!
; CS4: The `non_generic_fn` procedure (still in the same file)
0000000100003810 _non_generic_fn:
; Hopefully you are here immediately after the `call 14 '_non_generic_fn' command above
; Note how the procedure name 'non_generic_fn' is exactly the same name as the one in the Rust main method.
; The #[no_mangle] attribute ensured we maintained the same name without any new random (mangled) characters
; like how the main procedure name was mangled.
100003810: 55 pushq %rbp
100003811: 48 89 e5 movq %rsp, %rbp
; We start again by initializing the stack
100003814: 48 89 7d f8 movq %rdi, -8(%rbp)
; We take the contents of the %rdi register that had the value 1234 (see above procedure in CS3)
; and place it 8 bytes offset from the base pointer.
; In short, we are allocating 8 bytes for our Rust function argument `b: i64`. Why 8 bytes? because it is a
; 64-bit number we are allocating (8 bytes * 8 bits).
100003818: 48 89 f8 movq %rdi, %rax
; We also copy the contents constant 1234 from the %rdi register into the accumulator register (%rax).
; By convention the %rax register in x86_64 is used for accumulating values that are to be returned
; from a function as we are about to do.
10000381b: 5d popq %rbp
10000381c: c3 retq
10000381d: 0f 1f 00 nopl (%rax)
; We pop the stack, and return back to our calling function. Go back to where we paused in CS3

In CS5 below we have all the code in CS3 and CS4 without the annotations

; CS5: All the code in CS3 & CS4 without annotations.
pushq %rbp
movq %rsp, %rbp
subq $16, %rsp
movl $1234, %edi
callq 14 '_non_generic_fn'
movq %rax, -8(%rbp)
addq $16, %rsp
popq %rbp
nopl (%rax)
pushq %rbp
movq %rsp, %rbp
movq %rdi, -8(%rbp)
movq %rdi, %rax
popq %rbp
nopl (%rax)

Now that we have an understanding of how Rust compiles to assembly, and how the assembly instructions are layed out for our simple non_generic_fn, let's take a look at what happens when we compile a Rust generic function into assembly.

x86_64 Assembly: Generic Code

/// CS6: A generic function similar to the one shown in CS1
fn main() {
fn generic_fn<T>(b: T) -> T {
let _ans = generic_fn(1234_i64);

In CS6 we have a generic function generic_fn that takes in a variable b of type T and returns an element of type T.

We build the project then run

# CS7: Build and disassebly the built binary into x86_64 AT&T assembly and
dump the output to `./src/generics.o`
$cargo build;
$objdump --x86-asm-syntax=att --demangle -d ../target/debug/<your-crate-name> > ./src/generics.o;

Let's examine the generated generics.o object file.

; CS8: Generic Rust code in _x86_64 assembly
; Rust's main method
pushq %rbp
movq %rsp, %rbp
subq $16, %rsp
; Initialize stack
movl $1234, %edi
; Move 1234 to 32 bit portion of the %rdi register called %edi
callq 142 <generic_fn>
; Call the `generic_fn` procedure
movq %rax, -8(%rbp)
addq $16, %rsp
popq %rbp
nopl (%rax)
; `generic_fn` procedure
pushq %rbp
movq %rsp, %rbp
; Initialize stack
movq %rdi, -8(%rbp)
; allocate 8 bytes in the stack and move the 1234 value from %rdi to the stack
movq %rdi, %rax
; move 1234 from %rdi to the %rax register
popq %rbp
; pop the stack

As we can see from the code snippet CS8, we have near identical assembly output between the generic and non_generic outputs. There is virtually no difference in number of instructions as well as allocations made by the CPU.


Generics are purely a programmer convenience tool that reduce repetition and can communicate the general characteristics of a Rust type. They have little to no impact on performance as they contain no additional instructions when compiled down to assembly and machine code.

In Rust they are an example of a zero-cost abstraction. We can thank the Rust compiler team for that!

Additional Resources

  1. x86_64 ABI (2018 Version) -